Macey Rodriguez

Macey's Accident was on March 17th, 2008. She is currently recovering and doing well at Memorial HermannTIRR (Rehabilitation) Hospital in the Medical Center.

Please send emails for her to

You can call her at 713-797-1440 Room 308-B

Thank You all for your thoughts and prayers, beautiful flowers, gifts & cards.

She can have visitors...please call Jeannie (Macey's Mom) and let us know you are coming.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Why does it have to hurt?

Good morning Macey,
I heard through the grapevine that you are experiencing increasing pain due to rehabilitation.
Oh girl! let me tell you something…
This pain is good pain…this pain has a purpose
Think of it like the pain experienced in childbirth (before the days of epidurals or drugs) Well, I know you can't relate to that yet but.... you get my point...
This pain will produce a healed body that is fully functioning.
Without this pain…darling…there cannot be gain
Keep that in mind and also keep in mind the fact that
You will not remember this with the detail that you are experiencing it.right at this moment
This too shall pass
You too shall be well and strong again
God bless you Macey

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